I would like to take a moment to recognize our competition team. This year we've had 19 competitors participate in 3 competitions in 3 different states. Coach Aly and adult skater Elizabeth competed and won first place at the NC State games, qualifying them for State Games of America in August. We had 18 competitors at the 50th Annual Robert Unger ISI Team Competition in Knoxville, TN this month, including 5 adults (2 of which are also coaches).
Competing is a really great way to keep motivated. ISI competitions are very recreational in atmosphere, truly offering events for every skater of every age and ability - but that doesn't make it less thrilling to compete...especially if it's your first time! It is fun, and anyone who's been through it can't wait to do it again. Spending months refining a program, polishing specific skills, and designing choreography and costumes is the perfect activity and way to showcase your improvement as a skater. The pictures and videos of these events are truly priceless souvenirs.

We are most proud of our skaters bringing home the the sportsmanship trophy for the 2nd year in a row. Figure skating is a tough sport and competition results can be difficult to predict. There is always a chance that for any number of reasons we don't place where we wanted to, we cannot control that. What we can control is our attitude and our behavior, and out team displayed great attitudes and excellent team spirit and we are so proud of them!